An Error Has Occurred   Action 'zf.php' is not a valid action.  Zend Framework Command Line Console Tool v1.10.7 Usage: zf [--global-opts] action-name [--action-opts] provider-name [--provider-opts] [provider parameters ...]  Note: You may use "?" in any place of the above usage string to ask for more specific help information.  Example: "zf ? version" will list all available actions for the version provider. Providers and their actions: Version  zf show version mode[=mini] name-included[=1]  Note: There are specialties, use zf show version.? to get specific help on them. Config  zf create config  zf show config  Note: There are specialties, use zf enable config.? to get specific help on them.  Note: There are specialties, use zf disable config.? to get specific help on them. Phpinfo  zf show phpinfo Manifest  zf show manifest Profile  zf show profile Project  zf create project path name-of-profile file-of-profile  zf show project  Note: There are specialties, use zf show project.? to get specific help on them. Application  zf change application.class-name-prefix class-name-prefix Model  zf create model name module View  zf create view controller-name action-name-or-simple-name Controller  zf create controller name index-action-included[=1] module Action  zf create action name controller-name[=Index] view-included[=1] module Module  zf create module name Form  zf create form name module Layout  zf enable layout  zf disable layout DbAdapter  zf configure db-adapter dsn section-name[=production] DbTable  zf create db-table name actual-table-name module force-overwrite  Note: There are specialties, use zf create db-table.? to get specific help on them. ProjectProvider  zf create project-provider name actions